The action is a response to gender mannerisms and the perception of self-identification embedded in the structures of heteronormative society.

Coinciding with the 60th edition of the Venice Biennale, and guided by the principles of 2024 International Art Exhibition, PERFORMATICA 2024: “Foreign Bodies all Over” aims to explore and populate the public realm of the city of Venice for 4 days in random locations and times.

The action was part of the event PERFORMATICA – Strange bodies everywhere, happening with the support of INPERFORMANCEART, curated by Hector Canonge. Venice, 2024. Picture: Sonja van Kerkhoff.
The action was part of the event PERFORMATICA – Strange bodies everywhere, happening with the support of INPERFORMANCEART, curated by Hector Canonge. Venice, 2024. Picture: Sonja van Kerkhoff.
The action was part of the event PERFORMATICA – Strange bodies everywhere, happening with the support of INPERFORMANCEART, curated by Hector Canonge. Venice, 2024. Picture: Sonja van Kerkhoff.

‘Gender performativity posits that gender is made up of the acts that mark a person as “man” or “woman” (dress, mannerisms, etc) and it is through the repetition of those gendered acts that the illusion of a stable gender identity is created’ – Judith Butler – Gender trouble.

Posted by ivanlupi

Ivan Lupi (born 1972, Ferrara, Italy). Masters in Queer Studies in Arts and Culture from the Birmingham University. Since 2001 Lupi has been one of the founders and active member of the collective Amae with which he has taken part in various collaborations and exhibitions in China, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Lithuania, United Kingdom. In 2016 Lupi starts his own production as a single performer along with Amae’s series of work. The most recent and relevant events: ‘The Voice and the Lens’ - Whitechapel Art Gallery (London 2014), ‘The slip of the tongue’ - Palazzo Grassi Punta della Dogana (Venice 2015), ‘Transformations’ by LiVEART.US - Queens Museum (New York 2016), ‘MAKING SPACE’ - CoCA - Centre of Contemporary Art (Christchurch 2017), ‘Visualeyez Annual Festival of Performance art’ - Latitude 53 Art Gallery (Edmonton 2017), 'PAWA - Performance Art Week Aotearoa' (Wellington 2018) 'Performance Arcade 2019' (Wellington 2019).

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